Private Martial Arts Lessons
Our Private Martial Arts lessons and personal training are for members if they are unable to have a set schedule for group lessons, simply feel more comfortable and learn better in a one-on-one setting, would like to review techniques that your having challenges with, or prepare for testing. Private martial arts lessons and personal training will provide you with exactly what you need to get in shape, gain confidence, and learn self defense.
By learning tactics, from basic to advanced, you can feel more assured of your own personal security knowing you have the skills needed to defend yourself if ever needed. By also improving your health and strength through our lessons, you will experience a better sense of self and overall fitness.
Private lesson will accelerate your progress and take your training to the next level!
Members that are already in a group class but want that extra help can sign up for a private lesson. This is great for preparing for testing, catching up from vacation, fighting preparation or if you are in need of individualized attention to hone your skills.
Master Saykosy can be your personal trainer in Maryland. With his experience, hard work, and dedication, he will help you achieve your goals. By combining the martial arts with fitness, you will not only train your body but also your mind. Master Saykosy can also help as a motivational coach, fighting coach, and fitness trainer.