Mrs. Diandra Sayasy has been fascinated with martial arts all her life. She has teamed up with Master Saykosy to bring Royal Tiger Academy to Clarksburg, Damascus, and surrounding areas near by mixed martial arts.
Her goals and passion is to help bring awareness of practical self defense and the true understanding of modern mixed martial arts for street defense or combat sports. In today’s time one must be well rounded, have self and surrounding awareness. As a woman and mother she knows the importance to possess mixed martial arts knowledge and techniques.
While growing up in San Diego, she witnessed and experienced bullying. Now, with the knowledge of mixed martial arts; it’s allowed her to protect herself, in boosting her confidence to avoid situations before they arise.
Mrs. Sayasy prides herself as a confident leader to lead by example for woman, children, and adults that train at Royal Tiger Academy. She knows having confidence through martial arts training will help individuals with tackling everyday challenges. Kids will enjoy being around her, teens will look up to her, adults will gain a better understanding from Mrs. Sayasy interactions. Come join her and start your journey at Royal Tiger as a Mixed Martial Art.